Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6th, 2013 Maren

Hello Family!

Mom I know what you mean. I always think of things that would be awesome to tell you and then I forget...

This week was interesting. I wish I had my journal. I am sorry.

We had presidents interviews on Wednesday and that was a really cool experience. President Calderwood is so in tune with the spirit. After we talked for a while about me and the area and how I am doing He taught me more about the doctrine of Christ. This is the model he used:

The Doctrine of Christ (the path) ----> Forever Changed (the result) ---> Obedience (the evidence)

If we really understand the doctrine of Christ then we are forever changed and Obedience is a natural consequence. I know that I am not even close to understanding the Doctrine of Christ yet. I know the principles and can teach them but I don't think they are internalized yet. I am trying though and as I strive to be more obedient and study and learn I know that the spirit will teach me more.

Dad. I loved your thoughts on the restoration video. Its so true. I started reading the Book of Mormon again this week and decided to really try and study it this time around, not just read it straight through. I have started looking up every footnote and studying every principle and I have learned SOOO much. In the very first verse of the whole book it says:

"I, Nephi, having been aborn of bgoodly cparents, therefore I was dtaught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many eafflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a frecord of my proceedings in my days."

That middle part is what struck me this time around. Nephi is telling us that to come to know God we must pass through trials and experience afflictions. The footnote for afflictions also links to Blessings and Gifts from God. Do we ever look at our trails that way? I know I have a hard time doing that. And yet Nephi says that he has been highly favored of the Lord. As I have pondered that and thought about other people who have been tried sorely (like Joseph Smith) I have often wondered if God's special and chosen children often experience the most trials because God WANTS to know them and he wants them to know him. Its God's cry for us to grow closer to him and get to know him better. How would we approach our trials differently if we saw them as a chance to get to know God better?

We moved into our new Pad today. I wish I could send you pictures bit the card reader isn't working on this computer. Its a cute little house down by the river. I know... that doesn't mean much to you but its nice. Its weird not living right next to the church and its weird not having a fully stocked kitchen... I really was spoiled rotten my first transfer and a half. But the new place is fun too. It ate up almost 2 of our days this week though trying to get moved and then outfit the apartment so that we could survive. Haha. It finally feels like i am on a mission! (living conditions anyways).

On Saturday night a family in our branch had a memorial for their Daughter who passed away last year. Me and Sister Peacock were asked to prepare a musical Number. We agreed to prepare somthing and decided to sing "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" (in Spanish) acapella. To add some variety we decided to devide parts of it into solos. I agreed without too much thought, trying not to think that is so that I wouldn't get nervous. I have never been super confident in my singing ability and have never EVER sung by myself in front of anyone. Usually my vocal chords get so tight I cant sing at all. But, we practiced and I did my best not to think about the moment I would have to sing infront of the congregation. Right before we went up to sing the nerves caught up with me. I immediately started to pray. I prayed that he would help steady my voice so that the spirit could be felt through our song. As we went up to sing my whole body started shaking. I was scared. But when the time came to open my mouth and sing my voice was steady. I am sure the song wasn't perfect but I know that He helped steady my voice so that I could get through the song and help the spirit enter into that meeting. I am so amazed at the Enabling power of the atonement. I have already felt it help me go beyond my own capabilities and confidence countless times. I know that I don't understand it all yet but already I am so grateful for it. (<-- excerpt from president's letter) It really was an amazing experience to feel my capacity extended beyond my own capabilities to help in the Lord's work.

Finally. This morning we got up at 3:30am (yes, 3:30am) to make the hour and a half drive to the very eastern most tip of the island, Montauk Point. There is a light house there and many people call it the end of the World. It looks like it too. Ocean as far as you can see. It was my first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean so that was cool. The goal was to get there early enough to see the sunrise and we just made it. It was so beautiful. We were the only ones on the beach. I couldn't help but reflect on the verse in Alma where he says that "...all things denote there is a God." There have been a few times in my life when I have marveled at the beauties of Nature and known without a doubt that there is no way that it is all Random. This morning was one of those times. I felt heaven so close standing on that beach looking out to the ocean. He is there and he is aware of each one of us. I was hoping I would be able to send you pictures but again... no card reader.

Family. Each day I am learning more and more about how to be a better missionary but equally as important how to be a better person. I thought that I was pretty good before but out here I am humbled over and over again and know that He wants and needs me to be so much better. I know that through the atonement change is possible. We can become the people that he knows we are. I am so grateful for the chance to be here.

Several times this week as we have gone to appointments and talked to people I have started to see the light enter their eyes. Particularly in a polish woman we have now taught twice. When we met her she seemed so harsh, so cold, almost unfeeling. As we've taught her I have seen more smiles, more questions, and more light. It is amazing the change that the light of Christ can make in people's lives. I hope to continue seeing it work miracles in people lives.

I love you!

Happy Birthday Mom! I can't wait to talk to you all next week! (I will be able to skype and can talk for 1 hour. I will call on Saturday to set up what time... If you use Tania's Ipad for skype it'll be real easy to pass it around )

All my love,

Hermana Maren Hale

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