Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26th, 2013 Maren

Hey family!

Thank you so much for your letters this week. I learn a lot from all of you too.

Not a whole lot has happened this week. Me and sister Peacock were talking this morning about what we were going to write home about and agreed that we weren't really sure because nothing really stands out.

Life is great here in Riverhead! We are working more and more with E. and preparing her for her baptism on the 6th now. There was a conflict on the 7th with the branch seminary kick off. We had a lesson with her at the church on Saturday to show her the font and a movie of someone being baptized so she would know what to expect. I guess when we taught her about immersion she was still spiritually asleep because she was not aware that is what we meant by baptism. But we talked about it and resolved her concerns and she is still ready to make this commitment.

The next day at church I learned just a little more about E. and how funny she is! Our whole meeting was in Spanish and I tried to get her headphones but she refused them. After the meeting when I talked to her about it she said, "We can learn to understand!" She then asked me how to say "Heavenly Father" and "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." in Spanish and declared "See! i can understand that!" She has a lot to teach each member of the branch. I think that kind of tolerance comes from living in a multi-language home. Her first language is Polish, her husbands is Pakistani, and yet they all speak broken English. But they make it work.

We also finally talked to her husband directly about her baptism and found that he is really a nice guy. We see him from time to time driving his taxi and we've taken to waving at him and always get a big smile and wave in return. I don't know if we just didn't really understand the home situation before or if its improved as the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been brought into that home. Either way its been awesome to see E. blossom.
I am proud of all of you and the work you are doing with family history. We have been serving at the Senior center here in Riverhead and on friday went to go help with an activity they had. While we were there we had 2 men ask us if we were the girls that do family history and expressed a great desire to start gathering theirs. I hope we can help them! I have found a great love for it. Its a great way to open things up and get the spirit of Elijah working in peoples lives. Its actually the way that the Stake President has asked us to help reactivate less-actives and teach part-member families. 

I learned this week in my personal study that good studying always starts with a question. Actually I learned that from the Everyday Missionary book and decided to apply it. It is definitely a lot more work but its worth it because I learn so much more. My problem is asking good questions, I've never been one to question the gospel, I've always just believed which I have been grateful for. But I learned two things this week. We often talk about how God answers prayers but I realized that most of us think about that in terms of when we ask for help. Which I have powerful testimony of... when I need help I pray and help always comes. God answers prayers. But there are other kinds of prayers just as important. The kind that Joseph Smith asked when he prayed in the grove. That wasn't really a question for help as much as it was a request for greater knowledge. I have never really thought about praying like that before. Praying to know more and understand the mysteries of the kingdom. But that is the whole point! We are here to ask questions, to learn as much as we can and God WANTS to tell us, we just have to ask the questions first. I also studied a lot about the visions that many of the book of mormon writers have and what preceded the Lord opening up the windows of heaven to them. Always it comes from Study, Pondering, and then diligent, persistent prayer. They wait for the answer. They plead for the answers. Even when they aren't reading and praying they're thinking about their questions. They really want to know. I learned that visions are just as available to us, me and you, as they were to Lehi, Nephi, and the Brother of Jacob. There is no favoritism of God, there are just prerequisites that we have to complete before we receive blessings like that... because otherwise we are showing God that we really don't want to know. I haven't seen any visions or angels yet... I still don't have that kind of faith... besides that the thought of seeing the same things that Nephi and other prophets have kind of scares me... not sure why. But I am starting to learn more and more that the heavens are open to me, I just have to ask the right questions and put in the work to find the answers. 

Family! I love you all so much! Sometimes it is really hard to see ourselves grow and I admit that sometimes I wonder if I am getting it out here. I look at the letters Steph and Jake write and I am like "WOW! they are such amazing missionaries!" I pray daily that the Lord will help me see the growth in my life. I have now been out almost 8 months... that is almost half my time here. I admit that when I started I just wanted to be home. I knew that this was where I was supposed to be so I would stay but I was so excited for that day I walked off that plane... and there are parts of me that still are... but I realize that I am so much more content just being here. I look at everything I have learned through being a missionary and i think about how close I was to never coming on a mission, would I have ever learned what I have learned here? I don't know how to answer that question. But I am glad I came and I am so grateful for all of you and the sacrifices you make to allow me to be here. 


-Sister Maren Hale

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