Monday, August 5, 2013

Aug 5th, 2013 Jacob

Alright guys. This week has been an intersting one, but one that I sorely needed.
The first three days of this week... well we only got one teach a day.... Thats bad. Wednesday night me and my companion got home and just sat down and had a little evaluation of how we were doing and what we could improve on. We looked at our goals for the week and realized how much work we would have to do to reach them. But we decided we were going to.  We decided that we had grown slack in a few minor rules in the mission and we decided that we were going to do everything to obey these rules. And wow!!!!! The next day we had 5 teaches. We almost doubled what we got for the first three days! We looked at our goals again and realized that we could do this. We started working harder and... well something happened in me. Normally, I wouldnt be to bothered about long travel times, or streets with no body walking on them, or us taking forever deciding where we were going to go if an appointment fell through. But, that all changed this week. I found my self becoming stressful if we were "wasting time" Not really wasting, but if we were just unable to do the work becuase of our surroundings. I realized as I analyzed this new kind of feeling in me, that one of my desires have changed. I realized that I REALLY wanted to get up, go out, and do everything to teach this people about the gospel. This last week or a week before, I can never remember, I talked to you guys about making a dicition every day to serve the lord? Well I just realized that, by doing that, I was exercising faith. And before I was just doing it because it was the right thing to do and it helped distract me. But now? Excercising that faith, has completely changed my desires. And its a brand new desire, and it would be very easy to snuff out. But I'm hoping that I can help it grow, and cultivate and become stronger. Until maybe, I leave the house running every morning, just wanting with every fibre of my being, just like Alma of old, to teach the people.
But I have now hit a new problem. Haha!!! I now want to be out doing the work, and I want to be able to go out and teach the people.... but where do I go? There are a few select people in England, who are ready to hear and receive this amazing gospel that we are bringing fourth into the world. So who do I go to? When Do I go to them?
This last week, my and my companion were going to bike out to a neighboring village called cukfield and see 2 less active families. We had a progress record to do before hand and after we completed that was when we were going to go.Well, my companion told me that I had forgotten my badge. So we had to go back to the flat. When I got my badge we headed out again for Cukfield again... My companion snapped the body of his Cycle.... Wow. Talk about a sign. Heavenly father didnt want us out there today. But where did he want us? Me and my companion settled down and said a prayed back at the flat... And I got an answer that yes, heavenly father wanted us to be somewhere else. But, for the life of me, I could not discern where. We ended remembering some member we promised to stop by, so we stopped by him.. but I still feel like there was somewhere else heavenly father wanted me to be.
Family. I can not stress enough the importance of listening to the spirit. Becuase all of us have been baptized. Theoretically we could never make a wrong decition ever again. If we listen to the holy ghost, we could make every decition a right one. Think about that?! Thats amazing. But heres the thing. Its a still small voice. You guys have played the game telephone right? Where you whisper something into someones ear, and it continues down the line, but when it gets to the end of line of people, its usually a totally different phrase or word? Well this last sunday I was able to play that with primary. I got to teach it with one of the AP's. ;) So much fun!!! But I digress. But the kids, got better, and better, and better, the more we played it. Eventually, they could get the word down the row, while listening very carfully, and they could get the same word as they started with. Listening to the spirit is the same. We can get the words eventually. But it takes practice. I cant just all the sudden know, where heavenly father wants me to be. I have to have practice listening first, and then, over time. The signal strength is still the same, I just know now, what to listen for. So family, practice now. So that when the spirit needs you to be somewhere... you can be there. :)
So thats my epiphany this last week. :) We had a blast this last week, as we were able to get a new toaster today. :) Our old one had a burn hole through it...... Ya. I also got to play rugby for the first time. That was a blast. Just touch rugby, but still a lot of fun.
Our bathroom is still infested with flying ants, and now they attack us. Haha, we have contractors coming in to fix mold that is creeping up the wall in the original bedroom, and hopefully they can take out the ants as well.
I also got two watches from a widow this last week. It was part of her husbands watch collection and wow, these watches are amazing. I felt guilty taking them, but she insisted.
I love you family very, very much. I can see you guys having such a blast back home. Is it already time to go back to school? Wow, time flies.
Haha, Im kinda the same with maren. Im in the 4th week of my third transfer, but after the 4th one.... well Ill be a quarter done. It feels like timeing is going by a lot faster now.
Well fam, sorry to keep you waiting. Dad, sorry to worry you. Haha, I feel bad about that. Mom. I love you very, very much. Boys. Prepare. A boy scout is always prepared, so be prepared for you mission. :) Tania. Have fun. :)
Til next week Famil amily.
Elder Hale

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