To preface this letter from
Stephanie I have to share with you the circumstances surrounding our family
right now. My Mom went in for surgery on Monday morning and has been pretty
much bed-ridden for the week. On Tuesday morning we received the news
that my Dad's Father, our jolly old Grandpa Glen, had passed away. One of the
unique trials this presented was how to tell Stephanie in the MTC and hoping,
after we did get word to her, that she was okay since we had no way to talk to
her directly or hear back from her.
The family is doing really well and
has felt the love of many of our friends, neighbors, and family as they have
all helped us with meals, allowing boys to play at their houses, and many other
small acts of service that have gotten us through the week. Thank you for all
you do. As you can see Stephanie has been strengthened this week as well
and felt the love of her family and particularly that of her Savior supporting
her through this difficult time.
Hey Family,
I hope everyone is doing okay; I have
to say this last week has been hard for me. With everything that has happened I
just really want to be home with you guys to help out with the boys and help
out with mom and be there for the funeral on Saturday. It has been really
hard to study and concentrate. Know that I am thinking about and praying
for you like I have never prayed before. You are all in my prayers. I love you
guys so much, know that.
How is Mom doing how is Grandma
doing? How are you Dad? Please write and let me know. Thank you Maren for
keeping me informed and everyone else for writing me, I cant tell you how much
your letters mean to me. Simeon to answer your questions, yes I am
learning Spanish, not very well yet we just learned preterit
and imperfect tenses...still dont get the difference. The MTC is a
great place, I dont know why some people hate it so much... well the food gets
old real fast but its okay. I am learning so much its insane.
I just wanted to tell you guys what
has happened to me in the last week because I feel like the people in the Book
of Mormon that were in bondage even when they
were righteous. There is that scripture that says the Lord
suffered them to go through these trials so that they could
stand as a witness to the world that the Lord stands by and upholds, lifts up,
and sustains those that believe in him. I feel every much like that.
I want you to know family that I have felt the lord everyday this
week helping me to do what I have needed to do;
teach lessons with my companions when all I wanted to do was
cry, to be friends and comfort a new girl that moved into our
room when all I wanted was to be comforted and loved.
God is and has stretched me so much this last week but
he has been there to support and help me. I can now testify more than ever
before that the lord is mindful of us in our trails
and everyday lives. I can't wait to be in a lesson in El
Salvador and be able to testify this is true and I know this is the reason I
needed to go through this experience right now in my life.
Sorry I left all of your letters in
my room so I am writing all from memory about questions so dont hate me if
I forget anything. Maren thank you again for writing me and letting me know how
everyone is doing, Tania you too. Thanks.
Well I am scared out of my mind to
be leaving the country in less than a week!!! Crazy to think about. Especially
when so much is happening a home. I at least still feel close to you all when I
am in Provo. I have a lot of fears about going to Guatamala and then El
Salvador but I know more than ever this is what I need to be doing and this
message that I have brings such joy and peace to me that I
cant help but put my fears aside and share what I have been given.
BOYS! Listen to me now please. I
wish I would have prepared earlier for my mission. There is so much I could
have done before coming here; years before. Everything you do in seminary,
Sunday school, in your personal study prepares you for a mission.
Memorize scriptures, study Preach My Gospel do what ever you can to try and talk
to other people you dont know. It all will make it easier to
contact people on the street and know and find scriptures when your
in a lesson and investigators have a questions. You will be so ahead
of the game if you do this. I know you're saying "yeah right!" but
seriously, just a little will go a long way. Jake start studying
now, you will wish you had and be glad you did. This work is such a
great work. God is here helping me in everything I am doing.
I only have 5 more minutes left so
if I start wrapping up you'll know why. I really do wish I could
be there at the funeral and do all the flowers. Tell grandma how much
I love her and hope she is doing okay. Give her the biggest hug for
me. Dad I hope your doing okay, know that you are in my prayers and know how
much I love you. I have been thinking a lot about Grandpa in the last few days
and how much he loved those around him especially Grandma and how he gave
all of himself to help and make your dreams come true. I will take that on my
mission, that love to be able to give all of my self to the people I
serve. I miss you all so very much, but I love you all infinatly
Mom I hope you are doing okay. I am
praying for you as well, let me know how everything goes and know
that I love you so much.
Keep me in your prayers
this week as I prepare to leave to Guatemala. I will need
all the prayers I can get.
I love you all.
Love your missionary Hermana Hale
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